Wednesday, October 15, 2014


                In globalization we watch a video (documentary) about the health care systems around the world the video was called “Sicko”. Before we watched this video I didn’t really know what the health care systems were like, but after I watched it I just did not like what they were doing to people who actually needed health care or help with their health. I also did not like how it was set up in America. But in this documentary they were trying to point out that people who had health care, had to send in something to get permission to get whatever they needed to get better, such as get chemo therapy. This guy who had cancer in his kidneys was trying to get permission to get a transplant of a kidney from his brother, that WAS matching, and he was denied to get that transplant. Later on that man died. I think that it’s wrong to do that to people. That man should have gotten a chance to live! The people who deny more people get a raise, which is wrong. If you have a job like that you should help people, instead of letting them die.

                In this documentary, they went to different countries such as Canada, France, Europe, and Cuba.  All of these countries had free health care systems! It is good that they got free health care systems, but they also have to pay higher taxes more than like America. Not by much, it was like they were paying as much as 5% more taxes than the U.S.

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