Wednesday, October 15, 2014


1   1.   I am amazed that the outside spending group has a lot in cooperative of American physicians in the graph top contributors.
2   2.   Most of the top contributors have all of the republicans pay republicans to debate.
3   3.   Also most of the top contributors have republicans pay for most things such as American college of emergency physicians.
4   4.  The outside spending groups only paid for two things, like cooperative of American physicians, and American dental assn.
5   5.  Lobbying handed out a lot in 2009, than this year so far.
6   6.  In 2012 republicans had the highest out of all the years for a party split.
     7.  For the top recipients, McConnell gets about $1,290,464 and alexander gets about 746,450, and they both are senates.
8   8. The top recipients are republicans; the higher then they favor Obama care.
9   9.   Health to house the republicans were paid higher than democrats in the year of 2012.

    10. Then the health to senate the democrats actually got more money in 2008.  

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