Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Opinion on Ebola

                In globalization we were assigned in groups to figure out what to do to get rid of Ebola, or help people who have Ebola. At the beginning, we all had different ideas but some of the ideas I didn’t like.  Even the one idea we all agreed on wasn’t too bad but I do and I don’t like it at the same time. Like there is a lot of different ways to do it but yet you have to get some people to help pay for your idea and make it work. Plus our idea was somewhat inhumane.

                My own idea was kind of like the one we made up but different. It basically involves less people dying. Well we all can try and save as many people who have or will have Ebola. Instead of having someone get treated and if they die have them get cremated, it might work and it might not work to keep Ebola away from getting everyone sick. I don’t get how careless our world is getting about diseases and sickness. Aids are around the whole world and I bet Ebola will get around like that in twenty to thirty years. You never know how our world is going to handle these things. It might get out of hand, and it might not. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey everyone sorry I have been away for so long but so much has been going on and no time to post. I moved to New Orleans the first week of July and my feet hit the ground running. I have been working on my old house in Florida for the last few weeks and I am exhausted after successfully getting a loan from Mr Pedro and his loan firm at 3% rate to help finish my house ! So no time to work out, no time to eat right etc.....I so want my life back and I am so proud of what Mr Pedro did to me by helping me with a loan. I am going to leave Mr Pedro email here so anyone looking for a loan can contact Mr Pedro on ...pedroloanss@gmail.com or whatsapp text...+18632310632. Hopefully I can get my life back on track. Miss you guys hope to back on soon.
