Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Future of Ebola

                Some of the doctors from the United States went to Africa to help people who have Ebola. And somehow the people in America are getting Ebola. Either someone was being careless or it was an accident. But I think that our country or everywhere in the world should take really good care of this big problem. Anyways, I think that the doctors who were helping the patients who had Ebola should have stayed in Africa until he was completely healthy. But I don’t think he knew he had it until he came to America.

                In our future if we don’t stop transportation from Africa or anywhere where there is Ebola, then the virus of Ebola might get a lot of people sick. But some websites say it’s not very easy to get it, yet the news makes me feel like it’s very is to get it. I feel like it’s easy to get it.  So when Europe got some people who have Ebola then I’m guessing that the whole world will be alert. After a couple of decades I think that more and more countries will get the virus and the whole world could go down in population. You never know!

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