Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Globalization Affects Women

                Globalization affects women in several ways, like discrimination against women (being sexist). Women not getting paid enough, like equal to the men, men can do what they want and the women in some countries are supposed to marry and do what the husband says.  I don’t like how some of the countries in the world don’t allow women workers to get paid more or equal to the men, and not let them do what they want. The sources I have found were mostly talking about how the women are affected by globalization. I don’t know if it’s really different around the United States of America, but I know that some women may think that the world is still sexist. Same thing with South Dakota, like I could care less if the boys got treated a little better than the girls but getting paid less than the men. Women from all over the world migrate anywhere to get treated the same. If I lived in like India I think I would have left when I graduate and leave and go to like the United States to get treated the same as the men, and do whatever I desire.

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