Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Human Trafficking

                In globalization we have been watching and learning about human trafficking. The videos we have been watching have been kind of disturbing, tear jerking, and it kept me on the edge of the seat! I did and I really didn't like the videos. I think that it’s wrong that people are still in slavery sense 1868 when the thirteenth amendment was passed to abolish slavery. The people who are human trafficked are either force to do labor, or be sex slaves or any other kind of slave. People or children should not be bought and sold for being sex slaves that is just gross and disgusting. How can adults buy an hour or however long to be with a child, whether to play with them or sexually abuse them?

                When we watched the movie “Human Trafficking”, there were a lot of women in their twenties, and a girl who has lied on her age, because she wanted to be famous and make money for her father. But she was tricked by a famous man. In the movie it tied like four different people that were human trafficked, into that one famous person named Sergei, it all tied together. The people I have met are nice and basically have the same opinions on gun rights, and human trafficking. 

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