Wednesday, March 18, 2015


                The Rorschach Inkblot test was kind of interesting because you have to analyze what you see in the inkblot. Almost everyone will either get the same answer or a completely different answer, but most of the students in my class got the same answers as everyone else. Some of the answers of the Inkblot are classified as either good or bad or sexually. Some of the inkblots were very hard to figure out what you can actually see or if you can’t see something in the inkblots. Inkblots were fun to make but I don’t think that they’re very accurate, saying your mentally challenged or something like that, or if you’re going insane or have dark thoughts, even though the inkblots might look like there is nothing there . The inkblots make a huge difference if you just rotate them. Yet for when people answer to what they see on the inkblots might be weird or give other people ideas then the answers should be kept to themselves. Or if you don’t see anything then the inkblot should be changed a little bit.  I also believe that the Rorschach inkblot is a great way to evaluate people around the world.  

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