Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Last week we started school, and we watched a couple of videos about Globalization. At first I thought this class was called international relationships, but Mr. Rients says it’s called Globalization. Plus I didn’t really know what either of them meant.  After watching those videos I kind of got a little idea about what is Globalization. Globalization is how it affects our family, our town, China, the United States of America, basically everywhere where there is culture, and population.

Am I against globalization or against it? Well that’s pretty hard to figure out. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Well the advantages are that we invent more and more technology every day, and that everyone around the world trade and buy products from everywhere around the world. And the disadvantages are basically really bad for the environment like finding more oil grounds, and if people do find oil grounds we would probably take down trees, animal’s habitats.  Globalization might cause war between other countries.  And it might cause disease by people traveling whether it is from a plane or driving places or boat shipping it to places and spreading the diseases.

If I am for globalization then I am against our country products they make and I am defiantly not against our own country. I could honestly say that I am for it and against it, but mostly I am for it. I am for it because it does kind of make peace between everyone. Like everyone needs food from everywhere because some places might have better and cheaper products, and that can be great for saving money for our country.  I also like it because then we get great technology like a smart phone that might help you stay on schedule, find places easier, and stay organized.

That question was pretty hard because you have pros and cons about globalization. So would you be against it or for globalization.

1 comment:

  1. So I need you to watch sentence structure and grammar. Also, it would help to develop your ideas in your mind first, then write them down and proof read.
